Here is the latest update on the St Maurice Aged Care Village Project.
The Concept Development Application (DA) approval for the 6-storey development was obtained in 2017 comprising three levels of aged care and three levels of senior living units. Currently, we completed the full DA submission in June 2023 including an additional 7th floor. Once final designs are complete and council approved, SMAC will manage and oversee the construction and operations of the project.
The Diocese of Sydney is committed to supporting this service and the Coptic community today and in the future.
Your financial support is now most needed for the progress of this long-overdue project.
All donations are tax-deductible
St Maurice Aged Care Ltd
BSB 062 136
ACC 1036 2649
For more information, you may contact:
Sam Sirry, Secretary:
Mark Abdelmalek, Assistant Secretary: